Sunday, July 04, 2004

perfect system...

Well, I've reached chapter 12 of Wheelock. Chalk up another conjugation, personal pronouns, and FINALLY the perfect active system of all verbs. Looks like I'm on schedule to reach chapter 30 by September (yay!).

There's been a lot of memorization in the last few chapters - well... I suppose there's been a lot of memorization in every chapter, but especially in the last few. :) To accomplish the task, I've been filling a scrap notebook with the various paradigms and whatnot. After writing a declension out 100 times, it's hard to forget... perhaps a bit tedious, but an effective way of commiting things to memory ( hic-haec-hoc's are getting faster too!)

Flashcards have been an effective way to learn vocabulary (surprise!). I've been using a freeware program on my palm pilot, "Learn?!". Any wasted time during the day (waiting in line, for example), I study some vocab... it helps pass the time and makes the task of learning all those new words less daunting.

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